Local competitions and non-competitive events (organized by OMTA):

Portland Classical Festival is an event which gives every student the opportunity to compete and play on stage. The festival takes place in October/November. Deadline for entry is in the second half of September. Further details can be found here (information on this festival is usually posted several months before the event) here.

Portland Baroque Festival is another event organized by OMTA. The festival is in February. Further details can be found here.

Portland Romatic Festival is also organized by OMTA. The festival takes place in April. Further details can be found here (details are usually posted several months before the event).

Oregon State Sonata-Sonatina Festival was introduced 2010. The first Oregon Sonata-Sonatina Piano Festival took place on October 16, 2010 in Roseburg, OR. Currently, it is held in Eugene. Detailed information can be found here.


Out-of-state competitions:

United States Open International Music Competition (USOMC) was founded in 1992 by a group of music enthusiasts. Within just a few years, it grew from a local to a national and then to the international level and reportedly became one of the world's largest piano ocmpetitions. In 2012, over 2,000 young performers competed in the competition, including hundreds of kids from other countries. The competition takes place in February at the Mormon Temple in Oakland, CA. Students can choose from a great variety of programs (based on styles, composers, and age group) based on their personal preferences and can compete in either one or several categories. Advance registration is due in October. Further details can be found on USOMC web page.

Seattle International Piano Festival (SIPF) takes place in October each year. The appication deadline is in July. The competition consists of two rounds (with the exception of youth under the age of 9). The first round is qualification based on submitted audio recording (for children under 9 winners are selected based on this round only). 6 participants from each age group will be invited to make a performance in the second round o fthe competition at Benaroya Hall in Seattle, WA in the early October, and selected winners will be invited to an additional winners concert several days later. Further details can be found on SIPF web site.